Thursday, March 28, 2013

This is your kitchen speaking.

Ahem.  This is your kitchen speaking.

I am the place of safe food preparation and storage.  You may have forgotten this, so I will explain it very carefully to you.

I am not your entertainment center, so you can remove the TV.  And the videos.  And the iPad (except if you’re following a recipe on it.)  And the laptop.

I am not your filing cabinet, so you can remove the stacks of papers.

I am not your child’s toy chest, so you can remove the blocks, the little cars, and suchlike.

I am not a greenhouse, so you can remove all but one or two very small potted plants that you keep off the counter.

I am not a disco or a dance club, so you can remove the stereo system and all the CDS and tapes off the counter.  If you must have music, place the stereo outside so it doesn’t clutter the counters. 

I am not a candy store.  I want to you keep a healthy diet, so hide those jars of candy in the cupboard instead of leaving them out on the counter.  Better yet, toss them in the trash.

I am not the garbage can, so you can remove all the empty wrappers and put them in the trash.

I am not the refrigerator, so put all the partially eaten food in there instead of leaving it on the counter.

I am not your mailbox, so the mail can be moved elsewhere.
I am pretty darn good at being a kitchen, but when you ask me to do all that other stuff too I can't do my job as well.  So don't ask me to be what I'm not.  I'm a kitchen. 

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